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Thursday, November 25, 2010

DAY 3:


Meet Dee. D. Frisch. She is currently a Utah State AGGIE, and takin it by storm. It is the perfect school for her. She is one of those people that is always up for a good time, and spontaneous like no other. Even though we are only 2 hours or so apart, I really miss her. She is stronger than most anyone I know and just plain CRAZY. She taught me to not worry so much a not be afraid to try new things, cause she sure isn't. :] I LOVE HER. She will always be a best friend to me. So...MEET D.K.F....



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

DAY 2:

The DAWG POUND: where and the people who I spent all of my friday nights, and many week nights. Most of my favorite memories are cheering on my team to victory with the pound.

GRAD NITE 2010: Our stake put on the world's greatest grad nite EVER. Dancing, Raising Canes, Jump on It, and Bowling. Holla :]

Senior Prom 2010: Me and K-rad started our dances and finished together!

Hawaii with my best friend SUMMER 2010

SEMINARY GRADUATION: with the greatest parents in the world. :]

Graduation: June 9, 2010 Official Centennial Alumni


Finishing the E-board To-Do List!

HOT CHOCOLATE DAY: me and my brother dressed as twinners in our super sweet brown jumpsuits.


CHT: church history tour was the greatest and most fun experience of a lifetime.

FOURTH OF JULY 2009: The day we almost died. hahahahahahah

Tennis Seasons...worlds greatest :]


Monday, November 22, 2010

DAY 1.

1.My favorite color is yellow & I am a stout 5' 2"
2. I went 6 years without eating sweets and drinking soda (except for Christmas break & family birthdays)
3. I like living life as simply and "fun-ly" as possible.
4. Call me Ms. President- President of the virgin lips club that is :]
5. Two of my greatest loves are the gospel and family.
6. I could be classified as the worst/ most inconsistent decision maker ever created-it either takes me forever or i have already made my decision!
7. At night in bed, I mentally plan my meals out for the next day.
8. I have a slight obsession with happy music & dream of playing the piano someday.
9. Why yes, I do long for Vegas skies, drive with my windows down, and listen to my music just a little too loud.
10. I absolutely have the problem of sleeping in to often & it drives me nutso.
11. My life motto is "Come what may, and love it."
12. I am a great advocate of busting a move. at all times. in all places.
13. I like people.
14. I am hoping to graduate in Recreation Management, and do somethannn. Make a difference.
15. I am as weird as my dad, and I'm okay with that. :]

sidenote: I am home finally!!!! Home really is sweet and I have re- fallen in love with Las Vegas. I am so happy to be with my family and back where I grew up and became me me me!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

thumb. thumb.

Thumbs really are funny little guys, and recently I am sure grateful for them. They really just don't get enough credit in my opinion. At FHE on Monday night I played a sweet game, "wally-ball" (volleyball in a racket-ball court) with my awesome college family. I wouldn't be typical me unless I came out of it with an injury, and boy did I. I thought it was just jammed so I just let it be for the following day. The swelling didn't stop, so my friend laurel took me to the health center to get it checked out and maybe a little brace to support it. A couple x-rays later and...not only did I end up breaking it but I ended up needing to have reconstructive surgery. They wanted to do surgery the next day, but I was coming home that next day and didn't want me to travel after the operation, so for now I am in a brace until the Tuesday after Thanksgiving! I am so grateful it isn't my right thumb, or all of my fingers, or an eye or something. And after all i have taken on some pretty sweet nicknames because of it, such as THE CLAW & Bionic Woman. It has been quite the funny little adventure realizing how much I use my thumbs...So, I challenge you all today to think of all the things you can do because of those beautiful thumbs of yours. From experience, i can tell you the top ten of these things them "Rules of Thumbs" if you will... :]

1. Opening things (water bottles, ranch dip, doors, Ibuprofen bottles, etc.)
2. Tying your shoes.
3. Picking up and Holding objects.
4. Buttoning your pants.
5. Unzipping your backpack.
6. Washing your hair//Shaving
7. Texting...
8.Dancing Properly (it is just heart-breakingly different with the loss of a filangie.)
9. Putting your hair in a pony-tail// doing hair.
10.And most importantly, DOUBLE THUMBS-UP.

I'm just grateful for my little thumbs, and can't wait to have both of them back in action together!

No more double thumbs-up or wicked sweet left hand high-fives for me for a while...dang it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Emery. Jackson emery. Number 4. It just simply doesn't get much better than this my friends. After one game I already have him pegged as my all star for the season. Love you Jimmer, but Emery, he's just got my heart. BYU Basketball is FINALLY up and running and I couldn't be loving it anymore! Yesterday night was the home opener against Fresno State, or as the score board had it FRESNO ST, and for some reason my brain interpreted it as FreSNOT and i died of laughter!! The student section was a total white out. It was one of the most awesome experiences ever. I also scored a super sweet FREE "Y" shirt to wear to the game earlier in the week and got a super sweet pompom at the game that made me mone happy woman. And it really made me miss high school...all the spirit and crazy things we did. They started playing techno music and we all went wild, throwing our pom-poms all up in the air. I can't even describe the rest of it from there...besides AWESOME! Huge white sheets dropped from the center of the arena and all the lights went out. they projected a pump up season kick off video that was nothing but epic- "ARE YOU READY COUGARS. IT'S TIME." We all went crazy!! GEv from So You think You Can Dance was the half time preformance, along with BYU's version of the Harlem Globe Trotters! Hallelujiah for the start of an awesome season, and exciting games. LET DA GOOD TIMES ROLL. :]

Basketball is ma favorite sport. I like the way they dribble up and down the court.
but I really love football. It's really my favorite.

No, wait. Emery is my favorite! :]

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Once upon a time, four girls had took an adventure to SLC for a night out on the town. A night out to see LADY ANTEBELLUM that is!

November 2, 2010 was the day I officially fell in love with Lady Antebellum. Their Concert was my favorite concert i have ever been too. It was just fun, chill, and clean- and plus I went with best friends, so i guess the company wasn't to bad either. :] We had quite the experience, including an "awesome" drunk encounter, that made us laugh to tears. A middle aged woman and her daughter were just "Lookin' for a Good Time" and they sure had one, and made our experience all the more unforgettable. The mother thought that Jameo was my mom and kept talking to her about me, and got upset when I didn't dance along to the song. The daughter accidentally dunked Sar's hair in her beer a couple times, as they were standing behind us, and regretfully and slyly pulled it out. I watched the whole thing and about died of laughter. Sar really did almost die when I told her. Beer hair. hahaha We sang along all night long and got our country on. When the concert was over, we were all sad and the croud kept on cheerin. Before we knew it Lady A was back on the stage preforming the BEST 15 minute ENCORE EVER!

We left competely content and utterly deaf! Of course we got lost on our way back to Provo but I confindently sai it was totally worth it...i laughed and sang my guts out. We also had a nice little photo shoot before the concert started to sustain our own personal entertainment :
]No concert is a concert without the "SUPERSTAR"

Laur & Sar :]

look at mommacita GO!!

trying to resist the double chins of life....

And now for your listening pleasures...

What I've Learned.

Well i got shipped off to college to learn, and boy have I. But all that i have learned thus far is not just in regards to academics. I love college for this fact! Heres what I have learned:

1.) Really, its all good. Its all great! I have learned that how my day goes, and how I feel is all on me.

2.) How to actually study...FINALLY! The best way to study is to find the best way for you! It is different for everyone.

3.) Do your best and the Lord will take care of the Rest - Mom :]

4.) The Freshman Fifteen is no myth.

5.) Time is Precious.

6.) Rosie Noses, Yellow, Rainboots, My family, Good grades, Not Fast food, Not Sugar, Night Walks, Running, Agua, Backpacks, Movies, Cold Weather, the Library, learning new things, Making my bed, loving ,to-do lists, spare time & country music just make me happy.

7.)A Glacier is a compaction of snow and ice, where more snow accumulates than melts. Glaciers are in motion and slowly move with the aid of gravity. As they move they leave scars of abraision and plucking, hangin valleys, cirques, and horns. GEOLOGY.

8.) Boys are just funny.

9.)How to stay up incredibly late and still survive :]

10.) College is so hard, and everything is different but it is the BEST. & I'm a big girl now. Weird homeboy. Weird. But good. :]

The Testing Center.

Ahhh the joys of the Testing Center. You know, in a strange way I realy enjoy it. I have always been fastinated by it and actually look forward to taking tests because of it...i get to take a special excursion to a special building just to take a test...HECK YEAH! And in a more realistic way it creeps me out and alot of times leaves me feeling down. But boy was tonight an experience...I went tonight to take my beloved American Heritage Test and what I found was a line all the way down the stairs in the main lobby of the testing center. What a sight that was. Instead of the feeling of panic, all I could do was giggle. It was actually kind of fun. A new experience! I also ran into a couple of friends from my classes so we kept each other company. Now I know to leave plenty of time to take my tests always, and to be wary of nights at the testing center with lines like those. The lines for the testing center resemble that of Disneyland, but with nothing at all to exciting at the end..ususally. They wind back an forth, teasing you as you walk pass and away from the test administering desk and to the next loop. and the next loop. and the next loop. Your avergae experience at the testing center goes as so:

1. Enter and Walz on by the Vending Machines
2. Observe all the Last minute Cram-ers on the floor, pop a squat and join them for a few
3. Close those Notas, and head up the infamous Stairs
4. Make your way to the Test Administering Desk, hear the speal on your test, and get your specialized buble sheet
5. Open the door to the MASSIVE and relatively intimidating testing room and search for a desk availablem (TIP: have your eye out for pencil tappers, chair jigglers, etc.)
6. Finish up that test of yours!
7. Turn test in, and they scan it just in time for you too...
8. Walk down the stairs f despair, open the door of horor, and glance up at the screen for you test score.

heres to more lovely journeys at the testing center. TA-TA :]

Now Introducing...LITTLE GUY.

Meet my new LITTLE friend. We all know that I, Starlee Marie Jacobs, do not have the best luck with phones. I don't know if you could consider bad luck or me just being a horrible habit phone dropper/ destroyer. My poor/ absolutely sweet touch Xenon Phone is officially resting in peace. I had a serious phone emergency for a couple of days where my screen no longer connected to my phone and was therefore black. Dark. Not showing anything I was touching, or unknowingly doing. I would make random phone calls- but i didn't know because I couldnt see the screen. I sent blank texts out the Ying-Yang- but I didn't know, because I couldn't see my screen. I called Sarah at least six times in a row on accident- but i didn't know because i couldn't see my screen. Also, I lost every single one of my contacts- because I couldn't see my screen It was AWESOME! I finally Decided that guessing what buttons i was pushing on my phone was no longer a valid idea. It was that day that LITTLE GUY stepped his little self into my life. $20.00 later and I found myself a changed and happy woman. Its official, I love my weightless little diddy. Although, t9 was rough to adjust back too and it is so small I lose it at least twice everyday, LITTLE GUY is just simply heaven sent.

All DA Updates.

Homework, Class, Church, being my distracted self, and havin a good time has made me a serious bloggin disaster. Sheesh. I can't believe I let myself get to this point, this very low point, of blogger actvity. Such a sad story. And Honestly I have missed it! Missed it bad. So here goes nothing...a bunch of my updates!