Can I share a nerdy moment (or 3?)
p.s. today was the last day of my sophmore year of college...woowwza!
Nerdy #1:
My nitelight, given to me by my grandma, has officially been batteried up and installed on the bed. Ready to rumble and guide me through my efficient late night reading adventures.I was beyond excited about this gift that I recieved and have had to wait to use it until I got AAA batteries. I made it a point yesterday to put batteries on my grocery list. I just couldn't wait to get my nitelight locked and loaded ready for use...even if the semester is over!
Nerdy #2:
In the beginning of the semester, the first week or two, I ran out of black ink in my printer. I decided to try printing my papers in gray ink instead of black and...IT TOTALLY WORKED. When I say It totally totally worked for the entire semester. I have printed all of my papers successfully in 80% gray ink in Microsoft Word. Yes. I feel accomplished to say that! This semester is the semester where I have written the most papers and the longest papers that I have ever had too! On the other hand I also can't believe pathetic! In any case... VICTORY & a nerdy moment. Put it on my tab!
Nerdy #3
THE SUNSHINE HAS ARRIVED! Study time this week has turned into the effort of trying to turn transparent skin into skin with a little color color lovin! We have spent our time out in the beautiful sunshine on the grass! Also, a new favorite word has been discovered! While quizzing hollie on Molecular biology we came across the word...Flagella. AWESOME. Add it to the list with peroose, congeal, & woowza palooza.
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