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Tuesday, April 24, 2012



 ...that I crossed # 27 off of my life bucket list!
We felt like the giant helmets and sunglasses were a great combo for the day.
it was a blast...and tragically funny at the same time.
one for the books.
It was the best kind of day to ring in spring semester.  We woke up early to the sunshine and bird chirping weather, I tell ya. After we got everything done in the morning, we headed off for our adventure.  I don't think, actually I KNOW, we had no idea what in the world we were getting our selves into.  It is harder than it looks. It also goes  down as one of the days that I have laughed the hardest in my life.

We look relatively pleasant in all of these pictures.  They don't do the craziness of our day justice.  Our first problem was that the bikes seats were too high...we all have short legs and struggled in the first place to get on the bikes. Then once we were on the bikes (thanks to a stranger helping us mount.) we had to learn how to balance and steer the piece of machinery. They were a piece of work, those bikes. We were all laughing so hard that we could barely stay balanced/didn't stay balanced. We also struggled with stopping and getting off the bike. I can't count the number of times Hollie hit the ground during at attempt to stop/start. We even dropped the bike in the middle of a big intersection at one point...

We had planned to go all the way up the canyon, but quickly realised we probabaly would not make it back to campus in our 2 hour limit considering our "tandem skill level."  Our second incident happened right after we succesfully were able to ride the bike.

  Hollie was in the front of our bike and was a champ at steering. I on the other hand, eventually became a good partner after I stopped freaking out and squealing. We were riding down University Parkway together, and as we were driving past a gas station exit we saw a car rolling forward.  We made eye contact with the driver and assumed she would stop for us to roll on by (especially considering we did not look like we had control of the bike, and we both had looks of horror on plastered on our faces).  BUT. She didn't stop. She hit us. And our bike squished up her liscence plate like you squish an alumminum can against your head. WE GOT HIT BY A CAR. ON A TADEM BIKE. I could not even believe at that point what was happening and lost control in laughter.

We eventually made it down to the Riverwoods and had subway for lunch. The trek back home was 100% better than at first for us, once we developed a little system of mounting and dismounting. :]
It ended up being one of the funniest/scarriest adventures I have ever had. We all returned home with grease stains and scratches on our legs, and sunburns covering our bodies.

Good Provo had some solid entertainment on its streets Monday afternoon courtesy of helmet-head-tandem-bike-riding Lex 23. Boy did it.

#27 is crossed offfff!
Here's to adventures & SPRING TERM.
Let the games begin.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

these two...

As of today, two of my favorite people are back in AMERICA! I can't even wait to see the two of them. Sarah/Sari (on the left) is getting back from Jerusalem today & Madi Dawg over there on the right got back from Spain about a week ago.  She will be in Provo this Saturday! CELEBRATION! i will hopefully be able to see Sarah in the beginning of May! I have missed them alot & I am so happy they were able to go and having such exciting and life enhancing experiences!

wooowwzaa palooza

My Name is Starlee Jacobs &

Wowza palooza is what we have on our hands here...I am done and not exactly sure what to do with myself & with free time. Now for some ice cream and an excess amount of movies. :]

It has been the greatest of years.

Flashback moment...
This was us a year ago tenting out for liberty square contracts. One of the crazier things we voluntarily decided to do, but it started it all! Also, Check out how great we all look? :]

Saturday, April 14, 2012

past blast

Chech out this picture eh? I laugh everytime I look at this picture. Mom & Dad have lots of hair. This girl had none, but she did have very cute lace tights on. :] Also, the pleasantly mischievious grin on my face cracks me up like nobody's buisness.

I wish I could say how much I love my parents.  They are the most positive people I know and yes, I often miss them everyday. They have allowed me to become independent & they answer the phone with a "hello, Starlee Marie!" even if I call to bug them with a million questions a day. 

Just talking to them on the phone calms me and remind myself of the right perspective I should have in life.  I am so thankful for all that they have taught me and continue to teach me in regards to the manner in which I should live.  I don't thank them enough for the power and positive influence they have had on my life.

Today and Everyday I am grateful for Mommacita Pantalones & Daddiooo.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Proof that I am losing my Brains.

These days I think I am losing my brains...its finals week?!
 Losing your brains is totally allowed. The amount of studying going on around this campus is out of control!
Double Belt Day it is. Yes I am proud to say I wore two belts on the same day...on accident & realised later.

&&&& GREAT NEWS: Our friend/ one of the members from our Y group at the beginning of the school year got baptised this past weekend! It was such a special baptism.  It is so great to go to a baptism to feel of such a strong spirit and be reminded of the importance of our baptisimal covenants.
Congratulations to Chloe girl :]

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Last day!

Can I share a nerdy moment (or 3?)
p.s. today was the last day of my sophmore year of college...woowwza!

Nerdy #1:
 My nitelight, given to me by my grandma,  has officially been batteried up and installed on the bed. Ready to rumble and guide me through my efficient late night reading adventures.
I was beyond excited about this gift that I recieved and have had to wait to use it until I got AAA batteries.  I made it a point yesterday to put batteries on my grocery list. I just couldn't wait to get my nitelight locked and loaded ready for use...even if the semester is over!

Nerdy #2:
In the beginning of the semester, the first week or two, I ran out of black ink in my printer. I decided to try printing my papers in gray ink instead of black and...IT TOTALLY WORKED.  When I say It totally totally worked for the entire semester.  I have printed all of my papers successfully in 80% gray  ink in Microsoft Word. Yes. I feel accomplished to say that! This semester is the semester where I have written the most papers and the longest papers that I have ever had too! On the other hand I also can't believe pathetic! In any case... VICTORY & a nerdy moment.  Put it on my tab!

Nerdy #3

THE SUNSHINE HAS ARRIVED! Study time this week has turned into the effort of trying to turn transparent skin into skin with a little color color lovin! We have spent our time out in the beautiful sunshine on the grass! Also, a new favorite word has been discovered! While quizzing hollie on Molecular biology we came across the word...Flagella. AWESOME. Add it to the list with peroose, congeal, & woowza palooza.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Public Speech-ing & mas.

Today was one of those "best days in history" for me. I say that alot... but today really was. REALLY!

1. Woke up on time & Lucky Charms for breakfast. Heeelloo.
2. Out of class early
3. My Family Coming to Town :]
4. SPRING DAY: 70 degrees...for real?!
those beautiful little yellow bushes are what my roommates and I like to call flushes.

5. Met with my advisor: code for figured out life. YAY!
My program just got changed to to RecM and I decided to start the new program. Took care of buisness!

6. Pleasant Work Day = only 2 hours!

7. Thought about buying a Moped...

8. Public Speaking Class...rules the world.
Wednesday nights from 4:15-6:30 I am with these crazy and hilarious people. It has go tto be one of my favorite classes I have taken and BYU and I think it will probably remain that way! Tonight was our final night of class and we had demonstration speeches and our professor ordered Brick Oven Pizza.... AHHHHH! Because we are all characters, the demonstration speeches included (but were not limited too) Oragami Flower Making, Airplane making, Inchworming, Chess, Body Beat Boxing, & how to remember the stages of mitosis! I will miss this class...boy will I. One class you must take at BYU... Public Speaking!

9. Sports Camp Counselor Meeting. Victory.

10. Temple.
Check out that beautiful view why don't cha. :]

I do have one very sad annoucement.
 Remember our Eternal Flame of Love, Balloon Style? Well is has reached a progressive all time low. It hit the floor yesterday, and we are seriously mourning its loss...In the words of my hilarious roommate Holly Smith,as posted on facebook,

".r.i.p. the valentine's day ballon of lexington 23. our little miracle balloon, filled with some sort of supernatural helium, has finally hit the ground. it lived a long life tied to the kitchen chair in the corner, outliving its life expectancy of 2 days for a total of 53 days, almost longer than kim kardashian was married. we will never forget you, little pink balloon. may you deflate in peace. ♥ "

As Lex 23 likes to say, Bless it's heart.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


or should say showerS!?

This weekend was the weekend of showers. Let me tell ya...I had THREE to attend this weekened. And they were all great!
 Jamie and I through Alex a shower this weekend and it was suppaa great! The stage of life we are in is so surreal that doesn't feel real? It was nice to be with a couple of close friends and celebrate for Alex and show her our love.  It was weird not to have all of us there though...again another part of our stage of life! I can't believe one of my greatest friends growing up is getting hitched... & I couldn't be more excited.
Congrats to beautiful Al!

nice and simple...lookie, lookie :]



There is no denying the realness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. General Conference allowed us to listen to words of power and recieve the feelings of comfortable familiarity.  My heart was full as I was reminded of the how real the gospel is.  It is not just what we participate in on Sundays or every now and then.  The gospel of Jesus Christ gives us purpose. It is the reason we live, it is the way we live, it is everyday.

I was also reminded of the power of music it inviting the spirit. Here is my favorite song from conference...