roaddddddd trippppppppp surprisee.
(ins't the middle picture insane!?)
I am home this weekend & surprised my daddiooo in the process! He was so shocked when I walked in the door I thought that he was going to have a heartattack. It has been fun to just spend time with my family at home. Even though everything changes when you leave for college, when you come back one thing is always the same & the greatest...FAMILY.
I will always love Las Vegas. The second that I get into the city the windows are rolled down and the music is turned up just a little bit louder! I have really missed the lower altitude, the temperature and, the people. There is one thing I don't miss from Vegas... all of the dogs bark like crazy as you run by. They made me jump a couple of times on my run today! In any case, I love being home so much! THE BESTEST!
I am so happy I was able to come home for my own little spring break, for the weekend, & spend some time with some of my favorite people in the world.
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