Today was a solid 12 hour day on campus. My favorite. Especially considering it involved a little treaty-treat & giggles with my favorites.
Also, crossed off my last research paper of the semester tonight. VICTORY!
A stranger took this picture and gave me strange look afterwards...probably because my camera settings had it turn out like this. Picture of the day goes to the fish eye picture!
Cream cones from sugar and spice hit the spot today & gave me a little push to finish up at the great old place, Harold B. Lee library. Working hard is hard. But so fulfilling! Who woulda thunk?
(those are the pants that I semi fixed...yes!)
One of these things is not where it belongs...
This thing being Starlee in a MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CLASS. I felt like people saw right through my attempt into my truly Recreation Managment loving soul & heart. Hollie looks oh so pleased in a class for her major, eh. Oh well, right. I had a produtctive hour and a half doing homework from other classes!
I promised Hollie at the beginning of the year I would go with her to this class & so I did today. All I got out of it was hearing the words "double helix" and "U2" (not the band ;]). Also, embarrassing moment of the day...I thought I was in Microbiology. I was not in Microbiology. I annouced this to a friend of our that WE jsut came from MICROBIOLOGY CLASS. Hollie laughed proving I had no clue what I was even talking about. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
In other news, I finally was taught the correct way to play minesweeper the other day. I am proud to say that yes, this knowledge has changed my life. Knowing the purpose of the game makes it really, a blast & a half. All my life I thought the purpose of the game was to just click thw squares and hopefully get lucky and not hit a bomb. Little did I know, it could be/was the funnest game ever. Also in settings, you can change the bombs to be daisies...CONSIDER IT DONE!
anywaysss....Greatnight time.
Smiling & Exauhsted Student Girl.
Aw! Adorable as usual! Love you!
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