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Monday, July 16, 2012

little discoveries.

how much do I love summer?
But isn't it really the greatest thing? It is like this feeling of such airy-ness and freedom.

I am living at my grandparents for the summer, on the weekends when sports camps are out. They have a garden in their backyard & it has recently become one of my favorite things. All the flowers and fresh veggies that we get to eat for every meal. It just says summer. I went out to the garden and just walked around for a bit today. It was such a lively place, on a micro level of course! :] I snapped some pictures of the things I found, including a butterfly. This butterfly let me get so close it was ridiculous.

Also, my Aunt Jen has introduced to me a new healthy eating website. DASHING DISH. It is promotional toward healthy eating and healthy living patterns! I fell in love with it in just a few moments of visiting the site. I hope to put to use some of those brilliant recipies a huge healthy breakfast cookie?! GREAT! Also, ran in a 5k with Sar this weekend and it rekindled the love of running/motivation to run that I lost when my roomates left for the summer. I need to kick it into gear for our Red Rock Relay coming up in September....
Step 1: FORGET how much I love ice cream.

Also, #186 is OFFICIALLY CROSSED OFF MY BUCKETLIST....Sit in a Suana!!
Random and wierd.... but it had to be done! I accomplished it after an early morning swim in the BYU pool with these lovely ladies! This is not the most atractive picture but, DIG IT!

here's to another great week at camps... Cross Country and Speed and Power!